clothes exploded isometric machines

One Stop Shopping for Exploded Nerdware

Now that’s some nice ecommerce: The Exploded Store sells t-shirts with exploded diagrams of beloved machines. From the FAQ:

These are internals of actual equipment. We buy items, usually via eBay or Craigslist, and we take them apart. Sometimes this requires special tools. Then we photograph the pieces and meticulously render them in Adobe Illustrator. Troy Paiva and Garry Booth are two of the skilled artists who have ‘exploded’ designs for us.

This Mac design is great, but, as I’ve said before, I’d really like an Apple IIe shirt.


clothes diagrams exploded isometric machines vidja games

Exploded Nerdware

This new exploded Atari 2600 diagram t-shirt was custom engineered to take my money. [via Retro Thing]

And if you like that, perhaps you’d be interested in these as well.

I wouldn’t mind having an Apple IIe design, if any of you shirt tycoons are listening.